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Mooncake Hamper MC4


Original price was: RM298.00.Current price is: RM270.00.

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MC-2023-4 RM 270
Ju Traditional Lotus 1 Yolk Moon Cake 单黄纯莲蓉 1pc
Ju Traditional Pandan 1 Yolk Moon Cake 旦翡翠纯莲蓉 1pc
Baroque Merlot Founder’s Reserve (Product of Spain) 西班牙高级红酒 750ml
Ju Traditional Japan Abalone 聚家园日本鲍鱼 425gm
Bird’s Nest with Ginseng, White Fungus & Rock Sugar 泡参冰糖雪耳燕窝 4x70ml
Essence of Chicken with Ginseng & Cordyceps 泡参虫草鸡精 3x70ml
All Nature American Ginseng Teabag 天然纯正原枝花旗泡参茶袋 4x4gm
Ju Traditional Oolong Chinese Tea 聚家园花开富贵黑乌龙茶 64gm
Ju Traditional Seaweed Popcorn 聚家园海苔爆米花 70gm
Ju Traditional Black Sesame Oats Sticks 聚家园黑芝麻棒 90gm
Basket, Packaging & Decoration 精美包装与装饰

MC-2023-4 RM 270
Ju Traditional Lotus 1 Yolk Moon Cake 单黄纯莲蓉 1pc
Ju Traditional Pandan 1 Yolk Moon Cake 旦翡翠纯莲蓉 1pc
Baroque Merlot Founder’s Reserve (Product of Spain) 西班牙高级红酒 750ml
Ju Traditional Japan Abalone 聚家园日本鲍鱼 425gm
Bird’s Nest with Ginseng, White Fungus & Rock Sugar 泡参冰糖雪耳燕窝 4x70ml
Essence of Chicken with Ginseng & Cordyceps 泡参虫草鸡精 3x70ml
All Nature American Ginseng Teabag 天然纯正原枝花旗泡参茶袋 4x4gm
Ju Traditional Oolong Chinese Tea 聚家园花开富贵黑乌龙茶 64gm
Ju Traditional Seaweed Popcorn 聚家园海苔爆米花 70gm
Ju Traditional Black Sesame Oats Sticks 聚家园黑芝麻棒 90gm
Basket, Packaging & Decoration 精美包装与装饰